Read About An Inspiring Story of Mrs. Sum
** Please note : We do not reveal the full name of the customer, we just keep the first two letters of the name for comparison purpose, and we hide all other details. Photos are for clarification purposes only and are not the real photos of the customers.
The test that was done before taking the HSV formula:
The test that was done after completing the HSV formula, which came back negative:
On May 26, 2021, Mrs. Sum from the USA started taking the herpes package. She contacted Hekma Center staff whenever she had any questions regarding the instructions or the diet attached with the package.
The customer still experienced herpes (HSV) symptoms (sores and blisters) after finishing the first half of the package.
She wondered if she needed to do a test and our staff told her that she should do the test if she did not show any symptoms during the last 3 weeks. However, since she still experienced the HSV symptoms, she should order another package (or another half package) and continue taking the products without interruption until the symptoms disappear. When that happens, she should do a PCR blood test.
Nevertheless, Mrs. Sum did an IgG test to check its levels in the blood and see what the staff advised her to do. It appeared that the IgG levels decreased, which brought her hope.
However, our staff assured her that regardless of the test results, as long as there are symptoms, she needs to continue taking the package. For this reason, the customer ordered another half package.
The test that was done before taking the HSV formula:

Getting Negative PCR Blood Test
On August 09, 2021, the customer sent our staff a message informing them that she almost finished the third half (75 days) and was about to do the PCR test as she had no HSV symptoms in the last three weeks. She also mentioned that she had the last symptom on June 23, 2021.
The customer did a PCR test and the amazing results came out. The results showed that she was negative as shown in the following report:
The test that was done after completing the HSV formula, which came back negative:

We congratulate Mrs. Sum for her great results. We thank her for sharing her story with us. Her story will be one of the inspiring stories for the rest of the customers.