Brief, Important Introduction About This Unique MS Herbal Formula :
This herbal formula will help you to completely overcome and get rid of Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
It includes 18 different medicinal herbs and organic supplements, in addition to Sidr honey from the Holy Land mixed with royal jelly, each herb has its own unique role in overcoming MS.
Mainly, mechanism of action is by enhancing blood circulation, detoxifying the body of the accumulated toxins, and balancing the immune system and prevent further attacks from the immune system on the nerve cells, then the herbs will start gradually myelinating the affected axons again (The part of nerve cells which is affected in MS disease). Loss of this myelin sheath is the reason behind all MS symptoms, and it is the reason behind seeing the typical white and gray lesions in the MRI scans. After myelinating the nerves again, all the symptoms of MS along with these typical white and gray lesions will disappear.
After myelinating all the affected nerves and and when you reach the healthiest version of you, there will be no more MS attacks and relapses.
All this process will happen with zero side effects, and the herbs will help you to have much better mood, much better health in general, and eventually will help you to reach the healthiest version of you, without MS disease.
Permanent solution
You will permanently overcome and get rid of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) disease, and it will not come back again.
No more lesions and spots on the mri scan
All the lesions seen on the MRI scan will disappear, as the axons (The affected part of nerves cells) will be myelinated again.
100% Natural, pure organic
Made of high quality, pure organic herbs that do not cause any side effect Manufactured in an FDA registered facility. Hold ISO-9001 and ISO-22000 certificate.
You will get the detailed instructions delivered with the package to your address.
Order the package through the website or through Amazon, as you prefer.
Receive the package within 3 business days with the detailed instructions and dosages.
Start taking it, it is very easy to take and follow.
Done ! You are free of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) now.
With chemical drugs, there is no permanent solution (Cure) for Multiple Sclerosis, while with natural herbs, potent natural herbal formulas are included that balance the immune system and gradually myelinate the affected nerves again.
Simply by ordering the package, you will get your detailed plan with the package and you can contact us when you receive it to answer all your questions.
Success rate is over 90%, the rest 10% is with patients who do not take the recommended daily dosage and do not follow the instructions. So for patients taking the supplements as instructed, success rate is 100%.
The formula is based on several scientific researches that you can review through the website.
You need to take one dosage in the morning, one dosage in the afternoon, and another dosage in the evening. You Will get a detailed plan with the package !