It includes 18 different medicinal herbs, each herb has its own unique role.
Mainly, mechanism of action is by balancing the hormonal levels, boosting immunity and gradually dissolving endometrial tissue.
The herbs will help you to have better mood, better health in general, and eventually will help you to reach the healthiest version of you.
Permanent solution
Suitable for all stages and sizes of Endometriosis, including large sized Endometriosis.
Suitable for young and postmenopausal women
Are you trying to conceive and Endometriosis is causing a problem ? This herbal package will prepare the body for healthy pregnancy by supplying it with the essential vitamins and elements. Postmenopausal woman suffering from Endometriosis ? Do not worry, this package is suitable for you.
Natural, organic
Made of high quality, organic herbs that do not cause side effect. Hold ISO-9001 and ISO-22000 certificate.
You will get the detailed instructions delivered with the package to your address.
Simply by ordering the package, you will get your detailed plan with the package and you can contact us when you receive it to answer all your questions.
Yes, this package is suitable for all sizes of Endometriosis (Including large sized Endometriosis), and for all stages of Endometriosis, including advanced stages of Endometriosis.
functions like a tonic to the uterine muscles, which will help in getting the Endometrial tissue out of the body, also it helps in balancing the estrogen hormones that are responsible for causing Endometriosis, PCOS and uterine fibroids.
Mushroom extract and powder blend – Maitake, Reishi, Shiitaki, and Trametes mushrooms. Balance the hormones and supply the body with the essential nutrients needed to manage Endometriosis.
Powerful antioxidant that not only helps to strengthen the immune system in fighting against forming of endometrial implants and adhesion, virus and bacteria invasion, it also helps to reduce blood flow during menstruation.
First, the supplements will manage the growth of endometrial tissue.
Second, it will start shrinking the existing tissue gradually.
As a result of shrinking, you will start noticing that your belly bloating (If found) is decreasing.
Pelvic pain, menstrual cramping and pain, urinating pain, will start enhancing.
Pain with or after intercourse will start decreasing.
When the endometrial tissue is shrinking, you will start having very minor intermittent bleeding (Very minor to the extent that it may be unnoticeable), as the tissue is getting out of the body.
It includes adaptogenic herbs that help you feel better, and balance mood swings.
You need to take one dosage in the morning, one dosage in the afternoon, and another dosage in the evening. You Will get a detailed plan with the package !