Succeeding in Managing Herpes Virus for the Second Time

** Please note : We do not reveal the full name of the customer, we just keep the first two letters of the name for comparison purpose, and we hide all other details. Photos are for clarification purposes only and are not the real photos of the customers.

Previous IgG blood test, which shows the diagnosis of Mr. Do with herpes virus


July 26, 2022 Test Result, IgG is negative for both, HSV1 and HSV2, which came back negative:

Mr. Do contacted us on August 9, 2021 and told us that he was in touch with us previously.

He told us about his story and mentioned that he was diagnosed with HSV2 in January 2021.

At that time, he knew about Hekma Center and decided to take the herpes package.

Mr. Do ordered one full package (the 50-day package) and a half a package (the 25-day package). During the time he took the packages, he noticed that the outbreaks were intensifying.

Our staff replied back to him and said that the package might cause a temporary increase in the IgG levels, as a result, Mr. Do knew that the package was effective.

After taking the full package and a half, he took the blood test in May 2021. On the blood test, the IgG values decreased from 1.12 to 0.99.

Succeeding in Flushing out Herpes Virus for the Second Time Succeeding in Flushing out Herpes Virus for the Second Time HSV Package

After seeing the improvement in May’s blood test, Mr. Do decided to take another herpes virus package.

He still wanted to take the blood test to see how much improvement he had after the second package. Our staff told him that the decrease in the IgG values is a good sign.

Mr. Do also told us that he will recheck the blood test this week and he will wait before ordering another package.

He contacted us again on August 17, 2021 to say that the blood test results had arrived and he sent them to us.

HSV Package herpes package herpes package herpes package

Getting Negative Blood Test

On August 18, 2021, our staff replied back to Mr. Do delivering the great news of getting a negative blood test result.

Being Reinfected

On September 27, 2021, Mr. Do contacted us again and told us that he was reinfected as he had an outbreak that lasted for 2 days. He also told us that he might be exposed to herpes virus again by having sexual intercourse.

He also mentioned that he will check again with the doctor to check if he was reinfected or not.

Ordering Another Package

On October 3, 2021, Mr. Do told us that he ordered a full package on September 29. He also told us that he will do the blood test again.

On March 3, 2022, Mr. Do contacted us and told us that the IgG value decreased from 2.06 to 1.02 and that he will continue taking our package. We told him that it is a good sign that the value decreased and explained to him the mechanism of the package.

On May 24, 2022, Mr. Do contacted us to inform us about his results.

He mentioned the values of the IgG blood test;

On October 2021 it was 1.13, on January 2022 it was 2.06, on March 2022 it was 1.02 and on May 2022 it was 0.97.

Getting the results!

On July 28, Mr. Do sent us the blood test results to review them.

Our staff congratulated him on his result.

Finally, on Sept 26, 2022, Mr. Do sent us the IgG test, which showed that he was negative.

Previous IgG blood test, which shows the diagnosis of Mr. Do with herpes virus


October 4, 2021 Test Result

herpes package

January 4, 2022 Test Result

herpes package

March 8, 2022 Test Result

July 26, 2022 Test Result, IgG is negative for both, HSV1 and HSV2, which came back negative: